The channel was operating for a while on DTT before expanding on other platforms. After its expansion, the channel is now the top 10 most watched channels on Openview pulling over 1.4. million viewers.
Satellite : Intelsat 20 at 68.5°East
Frequency : 11170 V
System : DVB-S2 8PSK
SR Fec : 28750 5/6
Video : MPEG-4 SD
Lang : Eng
In 1991, TV2, TV3 and TV4 (now SABC 1-3) were combined into a new service called CCV (Contemporary Community Values). A third channel was introduced known as TSS, or TopSport Surplus, TopSport being the brand name for the SABC’s sport coverage, but this was replaced by NNTV (National Network TV), an educational, non-commercial channel, in 1993.
ChannelName : SABC Sport
Satellite : Intelsat 20 at 68.5°East
Frequency : 11514 V
System : DVB-S2 8PSK
SR Fec : 28750 1/2
Video : MPEG-4 HD
Lang : Eng
The South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) is the public broadcaster in South Africa, and provides 19 radio stations (AM/FM) as well as six television broadcasts to the general public.[3] It is one of the largest of South Africa’s state-owned enterprises.
Opposition politicians and civil society often criticise the SABC, accusing it of being a mouthpiece for whichever political party is in majority power, thus currently the ruling African National Congress; during the apartheid era it was accused of playing the same role for the National Party government.